Spotlight On: Sweaters 101 - Teddy Bear Sweater - Body

Now that the yoke is complete, it is time to knit the body of the sweater. While this is basic, knitting around and around, I have a couple of tips to make it a bit easier.

You will start by separating the sleeves from the body. I like using TKB cords (see my blog post here), but you can use your preferred stitch holder or waste yarn. Following the pattern you have, knit to the markers for the sleeve, put the sleeve stitches on a holder, cast on the prescribed number of stitches using the backward loop cast on, knit across the front of the sweater, and repeat the sleeve process again.

Once the body and sleeves are separated, follow the pattern and add any increases and decreases as written. One little hint: I always use interchangeable needles when knitting in the round.  I put the gauge needle on the right-hand side and a smaller needle, usually two sizes down, on the left-hand side. This allows your stitches to slide to the left needle, the feed needle, a bit more easily. The needle you knit on to, the left-hand needle, is forming and sizing your stitches so your gauge will be just right. This little change will make knitting in the round so smooth.

Remember to put a stitch stopper on when you put your needles down! The stitches on the small needle can pop off in your bag.

Knit the body to the length stated in the pattern before the ribbing, and if I am knitting a sweater for myself or the recipient can try it on, I put it on a TKB cord and try it on to check the length before ribbing. Don't forget when doing this step to measure the length minus a bit of give for blocking and ribbing.

Knit your ribbing, bind off, and remember this little trick to neaten up your bound-off edge.

See how pretty it looks?  You can not see where I bound off.

So now that the body of the sweater is complete, the sleeves are next. 

Be sure to follow along this series here: Spotlight On: Sweaters 101!

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    Hi Lucie,

    I sent an email to you in response!


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