Spotlight on: Following the Tee-Along on Raverly

In the future, we hope to start using our Raverly group more, and a Knit Along is a great place to put it to work for us at the shop and for all of you, our knitting and crocheting friends. Whether you are a local or from further afield, our Ravlery Forums are the perfect place to stay connected to other crafters, especially when participating in a make-along. With that in mind, we thought it might be a good idea to give you all a bit of information about following the Forum under our Ravelry group for the Tee-Along

First off, we have a monarchknitting group on Ravelry. You can join our group to follow us, and if you put your projects on Ravelry, you can share them with our group. This is an excellent way to show off your FOs!


Under that group is a Forum page with a variety of topics. For our example today, we will look at our Early Summer Tee-Along. If you click on the link, you will see the Forum page, which starts with our Welcome to the page. After that, you can see a few posts from those joining the KAL. 

If you wish to join the conversation or have any questions, click 'reply to thread' and share your message. If you're new to the group, we'd love to hear about your knitting project. You can also add a photo by clicking the photo icon. Please note, if you upload a photo directly from your computer, there's a $5.00 annual fee. However, if you create a project page under your name and upload the same photo there, you can share it on the Forum post for free. Once you're done, just click 'post reply' to add your comment to the thread.  


If you would like to comment on someone else's post, go to their post and click reply at the bottom right-hand corner. Remember, everyone loves a compliment on their projects!  

We hope you find this helpful and we hope to see you join in on the fun!

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